Time to get your student organized…Are you ready?

Are you ready to get organized?

Are you ready for your child to become successful?

Let’s start out with a FREE SCHEDULE.

I found it! Laura has an amazing club with unbelievable products! Join her club today and you won’t miss what is in store for the holidays.

As I am beginning my journey as an entrepreneur I just wanted to share Laura’s Sweet Life with you. Planner’s galore! Especially planner’s for your kids to get organized for the next semester of school. Laura has planner’s for the busy mom’s out there that just don’t seem to have enough time in the day. Just like me who is a wife, mom, grandmom, small business owner Phew! Oh yeah, how can I forget the dogs!  These planners help in so many ways, a meal planner to the password keeper. Things that you would think would be easy to keep track of. Click on over to her site and check it out. You won’t be disappointed! 

Did I say FREE?

Are you and your student struggling? Are they organized? Or should I say something else? I bet you haven’t seen the bottom of that backpack since September. Sign up and receive your FREE gift and meet me over on Zoom (sorta like Skype) and we can chat about how to get your student organized and ready for next semester.

Subscribe below and receive your free gift

Students in a faraway land.

Maybe not so far away…I know that many of you who read my blog have reviewed my website to see what it’s all about.  You will find that I also enjoy and work for VIPKID as an ESL teacher.

An amazing, challenging life she has led and many of the words she says brings so much to light.  Bless her for helping the children and the teachers who help them via the internet. As a small business owner myself, I can only strive to be a small part of what she has done.  Watch and enjoy!

Cindy Mi, VIPKID  Owner/Founder

I have enjoyed working with VIPKID for just over the past year. Getting up to see those smiley faces so eager to learn. Some of my students are as young as 4 while others are as old as 11 or 12. They see teachers from America as being funny with many actions. So on goes my headphones and a smile with little extra props and off we go to see the students from a faraway land.



“There’s no secret to success. It’s the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. Colin Powell”



If you are someone who loves children, has a bachelor degree in any subject, is able to wake up in the wee hours especially here in  MST, please use my code and apply. They continue to grow by leaps and bounds every day!

If you are interested please use this code: https://t.vipkidteachers.com/?refereeId=2198303&refersourceid=a01

October 2018 Update I’ve just signed my 4th contract and have reached 2 years with this amazing company. Check out my welcome video.

The determination of those who use a planner

As a parent of four children, I have been through the struggle with homework. The guilt we feel as a parent knowing that your child can succeed if they just put some effort or JUST DO IT! I am just going to share my experience in hopes that it will help your family. The determination to be successful is key!

Kids all learn in different ways, some think that they can keep it all in their mind until they get home.  I’m telling you now it just doesn’t work like that. Coming from a person that is old school for sure… I use my Google Calendar but when it comes to my tutoring schedule, blogging, emailing and coordination of everyone’s schedule old school is the way to go, I need to see it right there in front of me.  There are so many resources out there to help.

SOAR is one of them.  *affiliate link

As my children were growing up and continuing through college a planner helped tremendously. Their determination to get good grades and become successful. It wasn’t always like that.  In elementary school, I remember it was a struggle for them to bring the planner to get our initials after they read their twenty minutes and completed their reading logs.  When they moved on to middle school, homework was forgotten and excuses were made. It was not until high school when after-school activities came into the picture. Boy did the word soccer mom come into play. There was football, theater, jobs, friends you name it and who stayed on top of it all. ME! We wanted our children to be independent and know how to clean, cook, wash dishes and if they wanted clean clothes they washed their clothes too! After-school schedules and homework. Planners worked because if they forgot something, who’s fault was it? Not, mine.

Wait for it  Learning Literacy and Family  

Will be developing their own planners to provide to students this year. The first 25 people to sign up will get them for free in January 2018. They are currently a work in progress, so just comment below if you would like to be one of the first 25 to receive a free planner to help your family.